Who We Are

DC for Palestine is a coalition of community members in Washington, DC, united in ending our city's complicity in Israel’s military occupation, apartheid, and genocide of Palestine. We are organizing to push DC institutions to sever ties with companies and organizations that profit from or support Israel, while working to educate the public on local and global implications of these connections. Our mission builds on local organizing in DC and in solidarity with Palestinians within our community, connecting the fight for Palestinian liberation with efforts toward justice at home.

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Apartheid Free DC

The national Apartheid-Free network formed in 2022, following the emerging consensus among the international human rights community that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people amounts to the Crime of Apartheid. The urges communities to take a renewed public pledge against all forms of racism, bigotry, and oppression - including against racist discrimination, islamophobia, antisemitism, and xenophobia in our own communities. Originally created by faith groups in North America, the network currently includes congregations, faith communities, solidarity organizations, non-profits, campus groups, businesses, and more. This coalition is convened by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). See More: https://apartheid-free.org/about/DC for Palestine is joining this network and are expanding the pledge in DC to call for our community members to uphold specific boycott/divestment targets as part of signing on as Apartheid-Free.

DC PLEDGE:WE AFFIRM our commitment to freedom, justice, and equality for the Palestinian people, the people of DC and all people around the world;WE OPPOSE all forms of racism, bigotry, discrimination, and oppression;WE DECLARE ourselves an Apartheid-Free Community and to that end,WE PLEDGE to join others across the city to be a safe space for all people in DC seeking justice and to end all support to Israel’s apartheid, settler colonialism, military occupation, and genocide of Palestine.